the camera store

African Wildlife Photography Seminar

Calgary, Alberta Canada, November 18th 2014

Hey guys! I'm super excited about my photography seminar next week with +The Camera Store. I'll be talking about my most favourite stories of wildlife encounters and photography techniques while I was in east Africa. I really like energizing other photographers and had a pretty fantastic time last time I did this. If you know of anyone who lives in Calgary who would like to come to something like this, please share, there are a few spots left!

P.S. The photo below is real and elephants are the most incredible creatures to watch, I'll go into detail on this photo and more in my talk!

You can find out more here:

Calgary F16 Group Photo Show Reception


I would like to officially invite you to the opening reception for the F16 Group Photo Show which is part of The Camera Store's F16th Anniversary Celebration. We welcome you to drop by on Friday Sept. 7th from 4PM-9PM at Resolution Gallery in Kensington (233 10th Street NW) to check out the photo show which includes one piece of my work and work from: Andras Schram, Bill Peters, Dale Roth & Michele Ramberg, George Barr, George Webber, Jeremy Fokkens, John E. Marriott, Julian Ferreira, Kevin Jordan, Leah Hennel, Mike Drew, Olivier Du Tré, Peter Gold, Scott Dimond, Steve Speer and Todd Korol. Here are the details:

What: A Group Photo Show Opening Reception When: Friday Sept. 7th from 4PM-9PM Where: Resolution Local Art Gallery in the Eleven:Eleven Boutique located at 233 10th Street NW (In Kensington) Calgary, Alberta, Canada. For more information and to view some of the sample images, visit the camera store's webpage.